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Peace & Power Catalog is a platform founded on the perspective of positive psychology. It’s a digital space dedicated for those who seek thought leadership, community and practical solutions to master their mental and emotional capacity, and create a life they love.

Hi I’m Azee,

I know how frustrating it is to have thoughts and feelings that are difficult to make sense of. Even more so when you have trouble conveying them, especially to yourself.

And I know how great it feels to read or hear something that speaks life into your experience!

I hope that this space does that for you. I hope the topics resonate with your experiences, including those that you may have overlooked.

I write to honestly and fearlessly expose what is beneath the surface of what we think and feel, so that we can address the roots of our mental and emotional barriers, make peace with them and feel powerful enough to be conscious of our subconscious.

I want us all to be aligned with our minds and souls.

With you in Peace & Power,

Azaleah Crystal

The mission of Peace & Power Catalog is to give you words.

The vision of Peace & Power Catalog is cultivate a community of positive, practical and mindful individuals.